The Real Goose-Goose
Goose-Goose hatched in a forest in Ontario in 2019. He was a highlight of our outdoor excursions during the pandemic, always ready to greet us with friendly “Honk!”

We wanted to learn more about our friend and discovered some interesting facts about the Canada Goose:
They eat plants, grass, berries, seed and nuts. (Don't feed them bread.)
They mate for life and can live up to 20 years.
A group of geese is called a gaggle.
They fly south to warmer climates for the winter.
They have a built-in instinct like a GPS that helps them navigate.
They fly in vee formations that helps them go farther, faster.
They take turns being the leader.
They hiss and flap their wings when they’re mad or trying to protect their goslings.
They poop a lot!

A tribute to Goose-Goose
One of my favourite things about being a mom (which I came to rather late) is seeing life through the eyes of a child and rediscovering wonder. Cuddling up at bedtime with Good Night Moon, Hop on Pop, Curious George, The Gruffalo, The Pout-Pout Fish and Elbow Grease was a gift. And I began to wonder, "Could I write and illustrate a picture book?"
I joined Miriam Laundry's Children's Book Masterclass. Renowned Canadian author Sharon Jennings taught us story arcs and character development. Create conflict. Show don't tell. Let the child solve the problem.
Stories and settings, characters and ideas swirled. We took the pup for a walk. We bumped into Goose-Goose, and inspiration struck.
Let's Go, Goose-Goose!
With hundreds of photos and videos to refer to, a rhyming story about a goose who was afraid to fly south for the winter took shape. Sketches turned into watercolours turned into digital art.
And my first book baby was born.

It’s almost time to fly south for the winter, but Goose-Goose doesn’t feel ready. Everything will be different! And scary! And new! So, he decides he just won’t go.
But when he finds himself in an unexpected situation, Goose-Goose discovers that when he leans on a friend and trusts his instincts, new can be pretty great.
Uh oh! Here comes the snow! Ready? Set? Let’s Go, Goose-Goose!
My cheerleaders

It launched on September 21, 2022 in memory of my pilot brother Chris, who, unlike Goose-Goose, was never afraid to fly.
It was a windy day. My beautiful family supported me at the local farmer's market, chasing colouring sheets around the parking lot. Thank you to my cheerleader husband David, my beta reader, Steve, and editor extraordinaire, PR manager and mom, Maureen.
And thank you to all my friends behind the scenes. By the end of the day I was a best seller on Amazon. (Along with The Wild Robot?!)

Dare to try new things!
Two years later, I am so glad that I followed my dreams. I have two more book babies and more on the go.
I'd be honoured if you tagged along for the ride.